Research Publications
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Top-indexed publications
Sl No | Authors | Title | Year | Journal | Publisher |
1 | Vyas A.H., Mehta M.A., Kotecha K., Pandya S., Alazab M., Gadekallu T.R. | Tear film breakup time-based dry eye disease detection using convolutional neural network | 2024 | Neural Computing and Applications | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
2 | Khemani B., Patil S., Kotecha K., Tanwar S. | A review of graph neural networks: concepts, architectures, techniques, challenges, datasets, applications, and future directions | 2024 | Journal of Big Data | Springer Nature |
3 | Jin R.H., Shi L.N., Jain A., Ren Z.H., Guo Y.Q., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Novel lead-free KNN-based ceramic with giant energy storage density, ultra-high efficiency and excellent thermal stability via relaxor strategy | 2024 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
4 | Misra N.K , Bhoi B.K , Kassa S.R. | Utilizing a Novel Universal Quantum Gate in the Design of Fault-Tolerant Architecture | 2024 | Nano Communication Networks | Elsevier B.V. |
5 | Warke V., Kumar S., Bongale A., Kamat P., Kotecha K., Selvachandran G., Abraham A. | Improving the useful life of tools using active vibration control through data-driven approaches: A systematic literature review | 2024 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier Ltd |
6 | Gan C., Zheng J., Zhu Q., Jain D.K., Struc V. | A graph neural network with context filtering and feature correction for conversational emotion recognition | 2024 | Information Sciences | Elsevier Inc. |
7 | Xu Z., Jain D.K., Shamsolmoali P., Goli A., Neelakandan S., Jain A. | Slime Mold optimization with hybrid deep learning enabled crowd-counting approach in video surveillance | 2024 | Neural Computing and Applications | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
8 | Gan C., Lin J., Huang D.-W., Zhu Q., Tian L., Jain D.K. | Equipment classification based differential game method for advanced persistent threats in Industrial Internet of Things | 2024 | Expert Systems with Applications | Elsevier Ltd |
9 | Shah A., Prasad S., Indoria A., Pal P.K., Saini J., Ingalhalikar M. | Free water imaging in Parkinsons disease and atypical parkinsonian disorders | 2024 | Journal of Neurology | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
10 | Narmada A., Jain A., Shukla M.K., Mishra N.K. | Evaluation of various controllers in fractional order non-linear systems with actuator fault | 2024 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
11 | Patil A.R., Kakati D., Singh B., Rosen M.A., Patil R., Javanjal V., Sonawane C., Panchal H., Kumar A., Haque Siddiqui M.I., Sadasivuni K.K. | Experimental investigation of multi-additive fuel blend and its optimization for CI engine performance and emissions by the hybrid Taguchi- TOPSIS technique | 2024 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
12 | Rajesh Prasad J., Shardanand Prasad R., Dhumane A., Ranjan N., Tamboli M. | Gradient bald vulture optimization enabled multi-objective Unet++ with DCNN for prostate cancer segmentation and detection | 2024 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | Elsevier Ltd |
13 | Potnis M.S., Singh A., Jatti V.S., Sapre M.S., Pathak S., Joshi S., Jatti A.V. | Part quality investigation in fused deposition modelling using machine learning classifiers | 2024 | International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing | Springer-Verlag Italia s.r.l. |
14 | Gawde S., Patil S., Kumar S., Kamat P., Kotecha K., Abraham A. | Multi-fault diagnosis of Industrial Rotating Machines using Data-driven approach : A review of two decades of research | 2023 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier Ltd |
15 | Kaur G., Sharma A. | A deep learning-based model using hybrid feature extraction approach for consumer sentiment analysis | 2023 | Journal of Big Data | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
16 | Gite S., Mishra A., Kotecha K. | Enhanced lung image segmentation using deep learning | 2023 | Neural Computing and Applications | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
17 | Kumbhar V., Pandey A., Sonawane C.R., Panchal H., Agbulut U. | Numerical and experimental investigation of the influence of various metal-oxide-based nanoparticles on performance, combustion, and emissions of CI engine fuelled with tamarind seed oil methyl ester | 2023 | Energy | Elsevier Ltd |
18 | Jain D.K., Dutta A.K., Verdu E., Alsubai S., Sait A.R.W. | An automated hyperparameter tuned deep learning model enabled facial emotion recognition for autonomous vehicle drivers | 2023 | Image and Vision Computing | Elsevier Ltd |
19 | Jain D.K., Ding W., Kotecha K. | Training fuzzy deep neural network with honey badger algorithm for intrusion detection in cloud environment | 2023 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
20 | Saklany S., Pant N., Pandey B. | Compact star with coupled dark energy in Karmarkar connected relativistic space time | 2023 | Physics of the Dark Universe | Elsevier B.V. |
21 | Quek S.G., Garg H., Selvachandran G., Palanikumar M., Arulmozhi K., Smarandache F. | VIKOR and TOPSIS framework with a truthful-distance measure for the (t, s)-regulated interval-valued neutrosophic soft set | 2023 | Soft Computing | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
22 | Deshmukh S., Behera B.K., Mulay P., Ahmed E.A., Al-Kuwari S., Tiwari P., Farouk A. | Explainable quantum clustering method to model medical data | 2023 | Knowledge-Based Systems | Elsevier B.V. |
23 | Shi L.N., Ren Z.H., Jain A., Jin R.H., Jiang S.S., Zhou H.Z., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Enhanced energy storage performance achieved in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3Sr0.7Bi0.2TiO3 ceramics via domain structure and bandgap width tuning | 2023 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
24 | Rahate A., Mandaokar S., Chandel P., Walambe R., Ramanna S., Kotecha K. | Employing multimodal co-learning to evaluate the robustness of sensor fusion for industry 5.0 tasks | 2023 | Soft Computing | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
25 | Laad M., Ghule B. | Removal of toxic contaminants from drinking water using biosensors: A systematic review | 2023 | Groundwater for Sustainable Development | Elsevier B.V. |
26 | Shamshuddin M., Salawu S.O., Ramesh K., Patil V.S., Humane P. | Bioconvective treatment for the reactive Casson hybrid nanofluid flow past an exponentially stretching sheet with Ohmic heating and mixed convection | 2023 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
27 | Jayavel P., Ramzan M., Saleem S., Verma A., Ramesh K. | Homotopy analysis on the bio-inspired radiative magnesium and iron oxides/blood nanofluid flow over an exponential stretching sheet | 2023 | Computational Particle Mechanics | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
28 | Bhapkar A.R., Geetha M., Jaspal D., Gheisari K., Laad M., Cabibihan J.-J., Sadasivuni K.K., Bhame S. | Aluminium doped ZnO nanostructures for efficient photodegradation of indigo carmine and azo carmine G in solar irradiation | 2023 | Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland) | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
29 | Jain D.K., Zhao X., Gonzalez-Almagro G., Gan C., Kotecha K. | Multimodal pedestrian detection using metaheuristics with deep convolutional neural network in crowded scenes | 2023 | Information Fusion | Elsevier B.V. |
30 | Gawde S., Patil S., Kumar S., Kotecha K. | A scoping review on multi-fault diagnosis of industrial rotating machines using multi-sensor data fusion | 2023 | Artificial Intelligence Review | Springer Nature |
31 | Kusal S., Patil S., Choudrie J., Kotecha K., Vora D., Pappas I. | A systematic review of applications of natural language processing and future challenges with special emphasis in text-based emotion detection | 2023 | Artificial Intelligence Review | Springer Nature |
32 | Siraskar R., Kumar S., Patil S., Bongale A., Kotecha K. | Reinforcement learning for predictive maintenance: a systematic technical review | 2023 | Artificial Intelligence Review | Springer Nature |
33 | Jena R., Pradhan B., Gite S., Alamri A., Park H.-J. | A new method to promptly evaluate spatial earthquake probability mapping using an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) model | 2023 | Gondwana Research | Elsevier Inc. |
34 | Sonawane C., Praharaj P., Kulkarni A., Pandey A., Panchal H. | Numerical simulation of heat transfer characteristics of circular cylinder forced to oscillate elliptically in an incompressible fluid flow | 2023 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
35 | Dixit A.S., Kumar S. | Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with enhanced gain and improved radiation patterns for 5G-IoT applications using metamaterial and Substrate Integrated Waveguide | 2023 | AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Elsevier GmbH |
36 | Moonmuang P., Faseehuddin M., Pukkalanun T., Herencsar N., Tangsrirat W. | VDTA-based floating/grounded series/parallel R-L and R-C immittance simulators with a single grounded capacitor | 2023 | AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Elsevier GmbH |
37 | Bhandari N., Walambe R., Kotecha K., Kaliya M. | Integrative gene expression analysis for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease using machine learning and explainable AI | 2023 | Computers in Biology and Medicine | Elsevier Ltd |
38 | Jatti V.S., Sefene E.M., Jatti A.V., Mishra A., Dhabale R.D. | Synthesis and characterization of diamond-like carbon coatings for drill bits using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition | 2023 | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
39 | Shi L.N., Jin R.H., Guo Y.Q., Jain A., Ren Z.H., Zhou H.Z., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Structure, dielectric and energy storage properties of Bi(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O3 modified Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-NaNbO3 ceramics | 2023 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
40 | Ren Z.H., Jain A., Shi L.N., Zhou H.Z., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Improving the photostriction of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-based lead-free ceramics by Bi nonstoichiometry | 2023 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
41 | Lin Y., Dai J., Yang Z.Z., Jiang S.S., Xu Q.H., Wang Y.G., Chen F.G., Jain A. | Co-evolution mechanism of the atomic/nano scale structural heterogeneity of Fe-based metallic glasses during relaxation and the effect on magnetic properties | 2023 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
42 | Gajbhiye S., Warke A., Ramesh K. | Mathematical modeling and analysis of immiscible metallic based nanofluid flow in a microchannel with non-spherical nanoparticles | 2023 | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | Elsevier B.V. |
43 | Dike S., Apte S. | Impact of microplastic pollution in terrestrial ecosystem on index and engineering properties of sandy soil: An experimental investigation | 2023 | Science of the Total Environment | Elsevier B.V. |
44 | Prasad K.M., Nagababu G., Jani H.K. | Enhancing offshore wind resource assessment with LIDAR-validated reanalysis datasets: A case study in Gujarat, India | 2023 | International Journal of Thermofluids | Elsevier B.V. |
45 | Kolhar S., Jagtap J. | Phenomics for Komatsuna plant growth tracking using deep learning approach | 2023 | Expert Systems with Applications | Elsevier Ltd |
46 | Jain A., Kumar A., Gupta N., Wang Y.G. | Emergence of magnetic and magnetoelectric characteristics (1-x)BaTi0.88Zr0.12O3-xNi0.75Co0.25Fe2O4 dual phase ceramics | 2023 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
47 | Bhatt P., Sethi A., Tasgaonkar V., Shroff J., Pendharkar I., Desai A., Sinha P., Deshpande A., Joshi G., Rahate A., Jain P., Walambe R., Kotecha K., Jain N.K. | Machine learning for cognitive behavioral analysis: datasets, methods, paradigms, and research directions | 2023 | Brain Informatics | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
48 | Ajay D., Selvachandran G., Aldring J., Thong P.H., Son L.H., Cuong B.C. | Einstein exponential operation laws of spherical fuzzy sets and aggregation operators in decision making | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
49 | Xu Q.H., Lu L.L., Yan Q., Chen F.G., Jain A., Lin Y., Zhou H.Z., Wang Y.G. | Structural heterogeneity, ? relaxation and magnetic properties of Fe-Zr-B amorphous alloys with Si and Cu additions | 2023 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
50 | Saklany S., Pant N., Pandey B. | Three-layered compact star in modified Buchdahl-I spatial metric with distinct equations of state | 2023 | Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics | Elsevier B.V. |
51 | Roy A., Kale S., Lingayat A.B., Sur A., Arun S., Sengar D., Gawade S., Wavhal A. | Evaluating energy-saving potential in micro-cold storage units integrated with phase change material | 2023 | Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
52 | Kumar A., Dhiman P. | Comparative Analysis of Two Fuzzy Modeling Through Investigation of Condensate System | 2023 | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
53 | Ahmadpour S.-S., Navimipour N.J., Kassa S., Misra N.K., Yalcin S. | An ultra-efficient design of fault-tolerant 3-input majority gate (FTMG) with an error probability model based on quantum-dots | 2023 | Computers and Electrical Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
54 | Kaur G., Sharma A. | HAS: Hybrid Analysis of Sentiments for the perspective of customer review summarization | 2023 | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
55 | Thakkar P., Patel D., Hirpara I., Jagani J., Patel S., Shah M., Kshirsagar A. | A Comprehensive Review on Computer Vision and Fuzzy Logic in Forensic Science Application | 2023 | Annals of Data Science | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
56 | Chalapathi U., Sangaraju S., Alhammadi S., Mohanarangam K., Reddy C.P., Albaqami M.D., Mohammad S., Ganta K.K., Park S.-H. | Chemical synthesis of BixSb2?xS3 (x = 0 to 2) thin films for photoelectrochemical water splitting | 2023 | Results in Physics | Elsevier B.V. |
57 | Chalapathi U., Reddy A.S., Prasad P.R., Manjula G., Sangaraju S., Cheruku R., Al-Asbahi B.A., Alhammadi S., Reddy C.P., Mohanarangam K., Reddy B.P., Park S.-H. | Two-stage-processed AgSbS2 films for thin-film solar cells | 2023 | Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing | Elsevier Ltd |
58 | Kokil-Shah S., Sur A., Shah M., Darvekar S.K. | Performance prediction of different BCC lattice structures under static loading: an experimental approach | 2023 | Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
59 | Ren Z.H., Jin R.H., Shi L.N., Jain A., Zhou H.Z., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Optimization of photostriction of BNT-based ceramics by forming phase boundary and tuning grain size | 2023 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
60 | Lu L.L., Lin Y., Dai J., Yan Q., Xu Q.H., Chen F.G., Jain A., Wang Y.G. | Co-evolution of the atomic/nano scale structural heterogeneities and magnetic properties of Fe-Si-B-Cu metallic glass during relaxation with composition fluctuations | 2023 | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | Elsevier B.V. |
61 | Aijaz M., Dar J.G., Almanjahie I.M., Alshahrani F. | Temperature distribution in tumour tissue during targeted destruction by heat: A hyperbolic bioheat equation approach | 2023 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
62 | Sawant D.A., Jatti V.S., Mishra A., Sefene E.M., Jatti A.V. | Surface roughness and surface crack length prediction using supervised machine learning based approach of electrical discharge machining of deep cryogenically treated NiTi, NiCu, and BeCu alloys | 2023 | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
63 | Kumar Jain D., Neelakandan S., Vidyarthi A., Gupta D. | Deep learning-based intelligent system for fingerprint identification using decision-based median filter | 2023 | Pattern Recognition Letters | Elsevier B.V. |
64 | Kumar A., Dhiman P. | Comparative Analysis of Two Fuzzy Modeling Through Investigation of Condensate System (International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (2023), 25, 7, (2796-2815), 10.1007/s40815-023-01532-y) | 2023 | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
65 | Chalapathi U., Prasad P.R., Sambasivam S., Mallikarjuna K., Rosaiah P., Alhammadi S., Tighezza A.M., Mohanarangam K., Park S.-H. | Two-stage growth of Cu3BiS3 thin films: Influence of the Cu/Bi ratio | 2023 | Journal of Materials Research and Technology | Elsevier Editora Ltda |
66 | Mishra A., Jatti V.S. | Reinforcement learning based approach for the optimization of mechanical properties of additively manufactured specimens | 2023 | International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing | Springer-Verlag Italia s.r.l. |
67 | Jatti V.S., Jatti A.V., Mishra A., Dhabale R.D., Sefene E.M. | Optimizing flexural strength of fused deposition modelling using supervised machine learning algorithms | 2023 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
68 | Ren Z.H., Hu J.X., Shi L.N., Jin R.H., Jain A., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Enhanced photostrictive properties in ternary (1-x)(0.7BiFe1-yMnyO3-0.3BaTiO3)-xKTaO3 ceramics | 2023 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
69 | Sharma H., Kovid R.K., Tewari A., Singh T.P., Choudhury T. | Would ecological and technological consciousness shape e-vehicle purchase intentions? Insights from an emerging market | 2023 | Socio-Ecological Practice Research | Springer |
70 | Sharma A., Vora D., Shaw K., Patil S. | Sentiment analysis-based recommendation system for agricultural products | 2023 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
71 | Ghotekar R.K., Rout M., Shaw K. | Hybrid ResNet152-EML model for Geo-spatial image classification | 2023 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
72 | Surana A., Rathod M., Gite S., Patil S., Kotecha K., Selvachandran G., Quek S.G., Abraham A. | An audio-based anger detection algorithm using a hybrid artificial neural network and fuzzy logic model | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
73 | Anand M., Jain A., Shukla M.K. | Deep learning: crop selection based on weather conditions in Tarakeswar village of Hooghly district in West Bengal | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
74 | Ahammad S.H., Dwarkanath S., Joshi R., Madhav B.T.P., Priya P.P., Faragallah O.S., Eid M.M.A., Rashed A.N.Z. | Social media reviews based hotel recommendation system using collaborative filtering and big data | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
75 | Jerrish D.J., Nankar O., Gite S., Patil S., Kotecha K., Selvachandran G., Abraham A. | Deep learning approaches for lyme disease detection: leveraging progressive resizing and self-supervised learning models | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
76 | Almuzaini K.K., Joshi S., Ojo S., Agrawal M., Suman P., Pareek P.K., Shukla P.K. | Survelliance monitoring based routing optimization for wireless sensor networks | 2023 | Wireless Networks | Springer |
77 | Warke A.S., Ramesh K., Mebarek-Oudina F., Abidi A. | Numerical investigation of the stagnation point flow of radiative magnetomicropolar liquid past a heated porous stretching sheet | 2022 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
78 | Matheswaran M.M., Arjunan T.V., Muthusamy S., Natrayan L., Panchal H., Subramaniam S., Khedkar N.K., El-Shafay A.S., Sonawane C. | A case study on thermo-hydraulic performance of jet plate solar air heater using response surface methodology | 2022 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
79 | Rahate A., Walambe R., Ramanna S., Kotecha K. | Multimodal Co-learning: Challenges, applications with datasets, recent advances and future directions | 2022 | Information Fusion | Elsevier B.V. |
80 | Boobalan P., Ramu S.P., Pham Q.-V., Dev K., Pandya S., Maddikunta P.K.R., Gadekallu T.R., Huynh-The T. | Fusion of Federated Learning and Industrial Internet of Things: A survey | 2022 | Computer Networks | Elsevier B.V. |
81 | Pachouly J., Ahirrao S., Kotecha K., Selvachandran G., Abraham A. | A systematic literature review on software defect prediction using artificial intelligence: Datasets, Data Validation Methods, Approaches, and Tools | 2022 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier Ltd |
82 | Kumbhar V., Pandey A., Sonawane C.R., El-Shafay A.S., Panchal H., Chamkha A.J. | Statistical analysis on prediction of biodiesel properties from its fatty acid composition | 2022 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
83 | Jain A., Wang Y.G., Shi L.N. | Recent developments in BaTiO3 based lead-free materials for energy storage applications | 2022 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Elsevier Ltd |
84 | Date M., Patyal V., Jaspal D., Malviya A., Khare K. | Zero liquid discharge technology for recovery, reuse, and reclamation of wastewater: A critical review | 2022 | Journal of Water Process Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
85 | Hire S., Sandbhor S., Ruikar K. | Bibliometric Survey for Adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Construction Industry A Safety Perspective | 2022 | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
86 | Sarangi M.K., Thatoi D.N., Nayak M.K., Prakash J., Ramesh K., Azam M. | Rotational flow and thermal behavior of ternary hybrid nanomaterials at small and high Prandtl numbers | 2022 | International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer | Elsevier Ltd |
87 | Solke N.S., Shah P., Sekhar R., Singh T.P. | Machine Learning-Based Predictive Modeling and Control of Lean Manufacturing in Automotive Parts Manufacturing Industry | 2022 | Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management | Springer |
88 | Li Y.-X., Alqsair U.F., Ramesh K., Khan S.U., Khan M.I. | Nonlinear Heat Source/Sink and Activation Energy Assessment in Double Diffusion Flow of Micropolar (Non-Newtonian) Nanofluid with Convective Conditions | 2022 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
89 | Bongale A.M., Nirmala C.R., Bongale A.M. | Energy efficient intra-cluster data aggregation technique for wireless sensor network | 2022 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
90 | Ghulam A., Ali F., Sikander R., Ahmad A., Ahmed A., Patil S. | ACP-2DCNN: Deep learning-based model for improving prediction of anticancer peptides using two-dimensional convolutional neural network | 2022 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | Elsevier B.V. |
91 | Nagababu G., Puppala H., Pritam K., Kantipudi M.P. | Two-stage GIS-MCDM based algorithm to identify plausible regions at micro level to install wind farms: A case study of India | 2022 | Energy | Elsevier Ltd |
92 | Holkar A., Walambe R., Kotecha K. | Few-Shot learning for face recognition in the presence of image discrepancies for limited multi-class datasets | 2022 | Image and Vision Computing | Elsevier Ltd |
93 | Patil V.S., Shamshuddin M.D., Ramesh K., Rajput G.R. | Slipperation of thermal and flow speed impacts on natural convective two-phase nanofluid model across Riga surface: Computational scrutinization | 2022 | International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer | Elsevier Ltd |
94 | Ghosh K.K., Sonawane C.R., Pandey A., Panchal H., El-Shafay A.S., Ibrahim A.M.M., Alsoufi M.S., Elsheikh A. | Experimental investigations on indirect contact type liquid desiccant cooling systems for high latent heat load application | 2022 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
95 | Ali F., Kumar H., Patil S., Ahmad A., Babour A., Daud A. | Deep-GHBP: Improving prediction of Growth Hormone-binding proteins using deep learning model | 2022 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | Elsevier Ltd |
96 | Ali F., Kumar H., Patil S., Kotecha K., Banjar A., Daud A. | Target-DBPPred: An intelligent model for prediction of DNA-binding proteins using discrete wavelet transform based compression and light eXtreme gradient boosting | 2022 | Computers in Biology and Medicine | Elsevier Ltd |
97 | Agrawal R., Kulkarni S., Walambe R., Deshpande M., Kotecha K. | Deep dive in retinal fundus image segmentation using deep learning for retinopathy of prematurity | 2022 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
98 | Kumar S., Singh S., Kumar J., Prasad K.M.V.V. | Age and gender classification using Seg-Net based architecture and machine learning | 2022 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Springer |
99 | Kumar R., Khepar J., Yadav K., Kareri E., Alotaibi S.D., Viriyasitavat W., Gulati K., Kotecha K., Dhiman G. | A Systematic Review on Generalized Fuzzy Numbers and Its Applications: Past, Present and Future | 2022 | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
100 | Ali F., Kumar H., Patil S., Ahmed A., Banjar A., Daud A. | DBP-DeepCNN: Prediction of DNA-binding proteins using wavelet-based denoising and deep learning | 2022 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | Elsevier B.V. |
101 | Sayyad S., Kumar S., Bongale A., Kotecha K., Selvachandran G., Suganthan P.N. | Tool wear prediction using long short-term memory variants and hybrid feature selection techniques | 2022 | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
102 | Shi L.N., Wang Y.G., Ren Z.H., Jain A., Jiang S.S., Chen F.G. | Significant improvement in electrical characteristics and energy storage performance of NBT-based ceramics | 2022 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
103 | Soni P., Sur A., Kumar Gaba V. | Experimental Investigation of silica-gel based composite adsorbent for adsorption refrigeration system | 2022 | Thermal Science and Engineering Progress | Elsevier Ltd |
104 | Sagar K.G., Pant N., Pandey B. | Gravitationally confined matter in the background scalar field of dark energy | 2022 | Physics of the Dark Universe | Elsevier B.V. |
105 | Dalavi A.M., Gomes A., Javed Husain A. | Bibliometric analysis of nature inspired optimization techniques | 2022 | Computers and Industrial Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
106 | Kshirsagar A., Shah M. | Anatomization of air quality prediction using neural networks, regression and hybrid models | 2022 | Journal of Cleaner Production | Elsevier Ltd |
107 | Paliya S., Mandpe A., Bhisikar D., Kumar M.S., Kumar S. | Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Indian wastewater treatment plant: Occurrence, mass flow and removal | 2022 | Chemosphere | Elsevier Ltd |
108 | Hu J.X., Jain A., Jiang S.S., Chen F.G., Wang Y.G. | Optimizing the photostrictive performance of BiFeO3-based multiferroic ceramics | 2022 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
109 | Rasgado-Toledo J., Shah A., Ingalhalikar M., Garza-Villarreal E.A. | Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging in cocaine use disorder | 2022 | Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry | Elsevier Inc. |
110 | Kadam P., Pandya S., Phansalkar S., Sarangdhar M., Petkar N., Kotecha K., Garg D. | FVEstimator: A novel food volume estimator Wellness model for calorie measurement and healthy living | 2022 | Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation | Elsevier B.V. |
111 | Sonawane C., Praharaj P., Pandey A., Kulkarni A., Kotecha K., Panchal H. | Case studies on simulations of flow-induced vibrations of a cooled circular cylinder: Incompressible flow solver for moving mesh problem | 2022 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
112 | Dixit A.S., Kumar S. | A Fermi Dirac Function Based Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna for mmWave Applications | 2022 | Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | Springer |
113 | Ren Z.H., Wang Y.G., Jain A., Hu J.X., Shi L.N., Zhou H.Z., Chen F.G. | Remarkable visible light activated photostriction in Bi0.5(Na0.77K0.18Li0.05)0.5TiO3 Sr(Nb0.5Ni0.5)O3 relaxor ferroelectrics | 2022 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
114 | Roy A., Patil R.B., Sen R. | The effect of fast charging and equalization on the reliability and cycle life of the lead acid batteries | 2022 | Journal of Energy Storage | Elsevier Ltd |
115 | Velamuri S., Kantipudi M.P., Sitharthan R., Kanakadhurga D., Prabaharan N., Rajkumar A. | A Q-learning based electric vehicle scheduling technique in a distribution system for power loss curtailment | 2022 | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | Elsevier Inc. |
116 | Xu Q.H., Jiang S.S., Chen F.G., Jain A., Lin Y., Wang Y.G. | Effect of Zr/B ratio on ? relaxation, structural heterogeneity, and magnetic properties of Fe-Zr-B amorphous alloys | 2022 | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | Elsevier B.V. |
117 | Jani H.K., Kantipudi M.V.V.P., Nagababu G., Prajapati D., Kachhwaha S.S. | Simultaneity of wind and solar energy: A spatio-temporal analysis to delineate the plausible regions to harness | 2022 | Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments | Elsevier Ltd |
118 | Qian W.-M., Riaz A., Ramesh K., Khan S.U., Khan M.I., Chinram R., Alaoui M.K. | Mathematical modeling and analytical examination of peristaltic transport in flow of Rabinowitsch fluid with Darcys law: two-dimensional curved plane geometry | 2022 | European Physical Journal: Special Topics | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
119 | Shi L.N., Wang Y.G., Ren Z.H., Jain A., Jiang S.S., Chen F.G. | Corrigendum to “Significant improvement in electrical characteristics and energy storage performance of NBT-based ceramics” [Ceram. Int. 48 (18) (2022) 26973–26983, (S0272884222020016), (10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.06.009)] | 2022 | Ceramics International | Elsevier Ltd |
120 | Choudhary R., Walambe R., Kotecha K. | Spatial and temporal features unified self-supervised representation learning networks | 2022 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | Elsevier B.V. |
121 | Sheth A., Sushra T., Kshirsagar A., Shah M. | Global Economic Impact in Stock and Commodity Markets during Covid-19 pandemic | 2022 | Annals of Data Science | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
122 | Chetlapalli V., Agrawal H., Iyer K.S.S., Gregory M.A., Potdar V., Nejabati R. | Performance evaluation of IoT networks: A product density approach | 2022 | Computer Communications | Elsevier B.V. |
123 | Pandiaraj S., Govindasamy K., Pandey A., Sonawane C., Alrubaie A.J., Majdi A., Mohamed M.A., Jaber M.M., Muthusamy S., Panchal H. | A case study on development of thermodynamic entropy measuring device and its implication on the human body | 2022 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Elsevier Ltd |
124 | Thamizharasu P., Shanmugan S., Sivakumar S., Pruncu C.I., Kabeel A.E., Nagaraj J., Sarvani Videla L., Vijai Anand K., Lamberti L., Laad M. | Corrigendum to “Revealing an OSELM based on traversal tree for higher energy adaptive control using an efficient solar box cooker” (Solar Energy (2021) 218 (320–336), (S0038092X21001572), (10.1016/j.solener.2021.02.043)) | 2022 | Solar Energy | Elsevier Ltd |
125 | Shah M., Kshirsagar A., Sushra T. | Student Trend Analysis for Foreign Education Employing Machine Learning: A Case Study from ‘Disha Consultants’, Gujarat, India | 2022 | Annals of Data Science | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
126 | Marzougui S., Mebarek-Oudina F., Assia A., Magherbi M., Shah Z., Ramesh K. | Entropy generation on magneto-convective flow of copper–water nanofluid in a cavity with chamfers | 2021 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
127 | Choudrie J., Banerjee S., Kotecha K., Walambe R., Karende H., Ameta J. | Machine learning techniques and older adults processing of online information and misinformation: A covid 19 study | 2021 | Computers in Human Behavior | Elsevier Ltd |
128 | Ghayvat H., Awais M., Gope P., Pandya S., Majumdar S. | ReCognizing SUspect and PredictiNg ThE SpRead of Contagion Based on Mobile Phone LoCation DaTa (COUNTERACT): A system of identifying COVID-19 infectious and hazardous sites, detecting disease outbreaks based on the internet of things, edge computing, and artificial intelligence | 2021 | Sustainable Cities and Society | Elsevier Ltd |
129 | Gore S., Chougule T., Jagtap J., Saini J., Ingalhalikar M. | A Review of Radiomics and Deep Predictive Modeling in Glioma Characterization | 2021 | Academic Radiology | Elsevier Inc. |
130 | Kolhar S., Jagtap J. | Convolutional neural network based encoder-decoder architectures for semantic segmentation of plants | 2021 | Ecological Informatics | Elsevier B.V. |
131 | Choudrie J., Patil S., Kotecha K., Matta N., Pappas I. | Applying and Understanding an Advanced, Novel Deep Learning Approach: A Covid 19, Text Based, Emotions Analysis Study | 2021 | Information Systems Frontiers | Springer |
132 | Ramesh K., Reddy M.G., Souayeh B. | Electro-magneto-hydrodynamic flow of couple stress nanofluids in micro-peristaltic channel with slip and convective conditions | 2021 | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. |
133 | Ramesh K., Riaz A., Dar Z.A. | Simultaneous effects of MHD and Joule heating on the fundamental flows of a Casson liquid with slip boundaries | 2021 | Propulsion and Power Research | Elsevier Ltd |
134 | Pandya S., Ghayvat H. | Ambient acoustic event assistive framework for identification, detection, and recognition of unknown acoustic events of a residence | 2021 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | Elsevier Ltd |
135 | Agrawal R., Kulkarni S., Walambe R., Kotecha K. | Assistive Framework for Automatic Detection of All the Zones in Retinopathy of Prematurity Using Deep Learning | 2021 | Journal of Digital Imaging | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
136 | Bhatt A., Ganatra A., Kotecha K. | COVID-19 pulmonary consolidations detection in chest X-ray using progressive resizing and transfer learning techniques | 2021 | Heliyon | Elsevier Ltd |
137 | Singh A.P., Deb D., Agrawal H., Bingi K., Ozana S. | Modeling and Control of Robotic Manipulators: A Fractional Calculus Point of View | 2021 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
138 | Kumar S., Dixit A.S. | Wideband Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Using Metamaterial for Micrometer and Millimeter Wave Applications | 2021 | Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | Springer |
139 | Chaudhari P., Agarwal H., Bhateja V. | Data augmentation for cancer classification in oncogenomics: an improved KNN based approach | 2021 | Evolutionary Intelligence | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
140 | Tupe-Waghmare P., Rajan A., Prasad S., Saini J., Pal P.K., Ingalhalikar M. | Radiomics on routine T1-weighted MRI can delineate Parkinson’s disease from multiple system atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy | 2021 | European Radiology | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
141 | Basak A., Pramanik A., Prakash C., Kotecha K. | Micro-mechanical characterization of superficial layer synthesized by electric discharge machining process | 2021 | Materials Letters | Elsevier B.V. |
142 | Kale I.R., Kulkarni A.J. | Cohort intelligence with self-adaptive penalty function approach hybridized with colliding bodies optimization algorithm for discrete and mixed variable constrained problems | 2021 | Complex and Intelligent Systems | Springer International Publishing |
143 | Ghule B., Laad M., Tiwari A.K. | Poly-4-methyl-1-pentene a dielectric material: Patent landscape | 2021 | Journal of Energy Storage | Elsevier Ltd |
144 | SakshiKokil-Shah, Sur A., Darvekar S., Shah M. | Recent Advancements of Micro-Lattice Structures: Application, Manufacturing Methods, Mechanical Properties, Topologies and Challenges | 2021 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
145 | Shastri A., Nargundkar A., Kulkarni A.J., Benedicenti L. | Optimization of process parameters for turning of titanium alloy (Grade II) in MQL environment using multi-CI algorithm | 2021 | SN Applied Sciences | Springer Nature |
146 | Thamizharasu P., Shanmugan S., Sivakumar S., Pruncu C.I., Kabeel A.E., Nagaraj J., Videla L.S., Vijai Anand K., Lamberti L., Laad M. | Revealing an OSELM based on traversal tree for higher energy adaptive control using an efficient solar box cooker | 2021 | Solar Energy | Elsevier Ltd |
147 | Pande S., Chouhan S., Sonavane R., Walambe R., Ghinea G., Kotecha K. | Development and deployment of a generative model-based framework for text to photorealistic image generation | 2021 | Neurocomputing | Elsevier B.V. |
148 | Kolhar S., Jagtap J. | Spatio-temporal deep neural networks for accession classification of Arabidopsis plants using image sequences | 2021 | Ecological Informatics | Elsevier B.V. |
149 | Itankar N., Patil Y. | Employing waste to manage waste: Utilizing waste biomaterials for the elimination of hazardous contaminant [Cr(VI)] from aqueous matrices | 2021 | Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | Elsevier B.V. |
150 | Subbaraj S., Kanagasabai M., Sambandam P., Gulam Nabi Alsath M., Palaniswamy S.K., Kingsly S. | Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals | 2021 | AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Elsevier GmbH |
151 | Pilinja Subrahmanya P., Haridas Aithal B., Mitra S. | Automatic Extraction of Buildings from UAV-Based Imagery Using Artificial Neural Networks | 2021 | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | Springer |
152 | Sapre M.S., Kulkarni A.J., Chettiar L., Deshpande I., Piprikar B. | Mesh smoothing of complex geometry using variations of cohort intelligence algorithm | 2021 | Evolutionary Intelligence | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
153 | Kumar S., Dixit A.S. | Correction to: Wideband Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Using Metamaterial for Micrometer and Millimeter Wave Applications (Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, (2021), 42, 9-10, (974-985), 10.1007/s10762-021-00799-2) | 2021 | Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | Springer |
Best Publications
Author | Title | Journal |
Kaur G., Sharma A. | A deep learning-based model using hybrid feature extraction approach for consumer sentiment analysis | Journal of Big Data |
Ramesh K., Mebarek-Oudina F., Ismail A.I., Jaiswal B.R., Warke A.S., Lodhi R.K., Sharma T. | Computational analysis of radiative non-Newtonian Carreau nano fluid flow in a microchannel under the magnetic properties | Scientia Iranica |
Kolhar S., Jagtap J. | Plant trait estimation and classification studies in plant phenotyping using machine vision – A review | Information Processing in Agriculture |
Javed A.R., Ahmed W., Pandya S., Maddikunta P.K.R., Alazab M., Gadekallu T.R. | A Survey of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities | Electronics (Switzerland) |
Chandan A., John M., Potdar V. | Achieving UN SDGs in Food Supply Chain Using Blockchain Technology | Sustainability (Switzerland) |
Nazeer M., Ramesh K., Farooq H., Shahzad Q. | Impact of gold and silver nanoparticles in highly viscous flows with different body forces | International Journal of Modelling and Simulation |
Gite S., Mishra A., Kotecha K. | Enhanced lung image segmentation using deep learning | Neural Computing and Applications |
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Matheswaran M.M., Arjunan T.V., Muthusamy S., Natrayan L., Panchal H., Subramaniam S., Khedkar N.K., El-Shafay A.S., Sonawane C. | A case study on thermo-hydraulic performance of jet plate solar air heater using response surface methodology | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering |
Warke A.S., Ramesh K., Mebarek-Oudina F., Abidi A. | Numerical investigation of the stagnation point flow of radiative magnetomicropolar liquid past a heated porous stretching sheet | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry |
Ghayvat H., Pandya S., Bhattacharya P., Zuhair M., Rashid M., Hakak S., Dev K. | CP-BDHCA: Blockchain-Based Confidentiality-Privacy Preserving Big Data Scheme for Healthcare Clouds and Applications | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics |
Sridhar V., Ramesh K., Gnaneswara Reddy M., Azese M.N., Abdelsalam S.I. | On the entropy optimization of hemodynamic peristaltic pumping of a nanofluid with geometry effects | Waves in Random and Complex Media |
Patil R.R., Kumar S. | Rice-Fusion: A Multimodality Data Fusion Framework for Rice Disease Diagnosis | IEEE Access |
- Abirami, P, Pushpavalli, M., Geetha, V., Sivagami, P., & Harikrishnan, R. (2022). Simulation and analysis of hybrid energy resources in chennai using homer software doi:10.1007/978-981-16-8341-1_14
- Agrawal, R., Kulkarni, S., Walambe, R., Deshpande, M., & Kotecha, K. (2022). Deep dive in retinal fundus image segmentation using deep learning for retinopathy of prematurity. Multimedia Tools and Applications,doi:10.1007/s11042-022-12396-z
- Akshath, N. S. S., Naresh, A., Kumar, M. N., Barman, M, Nandan, D., & Abhilash, T. (2022). Analysis and simulation of even-level quasi-Z-source inverter. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,doi:10.11591/ijece.v12i4.pp3477-3484
- Ali, F., Kumar, H., Patil, S., Ahmad, A., Babour, A., & Daud, A. (2022). Deep-GHBP: Improving prediction of growth hormone-binding proteins using deep learning model. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control doi:10.1016/j.bspc.2022.103856
- Ali, F., Kumar, H., Patil, S., Kotecha, K., Banjar, A., & Daud, A. (2022). Target-DBPPred: An intelligent model for prediction of DNA-binding proteins using discrete wavelet transform based compression and light eXtreme gradient boosting. Computers in Biology and Medicine, doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105533
- Amanat, A., Rizwan, M., Javed, A. R., Abdelhaq, M., Alsaqour, R., Pandya, S., & Uddin, M. (2022). Deep learning for depression detection from textual data. Electronics (Switzerland)doi:10.3390/electronics11050676
- Ansari, A. A. R. H., & Vora, D. R. (2022). NLI-GSC: A natural language interface for generating SourceCode. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130198
- Ashai, M., Mukherjee, R. G., Mundharikar, S. P., Kuanr, V. D., & Harikrishnan, R. (2022). Classification of astronomical objects using KNN algorithmdoi:10.1007/978-981-16-9669-5_34
- Bankapur, K., Mathur, H., Singh, H., Harikrishnan, R., & Gupta, A. (2022). A flame sensor-based firefighting assistance robot with simulation based multi-robot implementation. Paper presented at the Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics, doi:10.1109/ACCAI53970.2022.9752470
- Bhos, C. D., & Nasikkar, P. S. (2022). Optimization-based maximum power extraction from solar photovoltaic system under non-uniform irradiance. International Journal of Ambient Energy, doi:10.1080/01430750.2022.2037456
- Bidwe, R. V., Mishra, S., Patil, S., Shaw, K., Vora, D. R., Kotecha, K., & Zope, B. (2022). Deep learning approaches for video compression: A bibliometric analysis. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, doi:10.3390/bdcc6020044
- Bongale, A. M., Nirmala, C. R., & Bongale, A. M. (2022). Energy efficient intra-cluster data aggregation technique for wireless sensor network. International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) , doi:10.1007/s41870-020-00419-7
- Borgohain, D. J., Bhanage, D. A., Verma, M. K., & Pawar, A. V. (2022). Global research trends in augmented reality: Scientometric mapping based on scopus database. Information Discovery and Delivery,doi:10.1108/IDD-08-2021-0081
- Chakraborty, R., Balotra, A., Agrawal, S., Ige, T., & Mishra, S. (2022). IRHMP: IoT-based remote health monitoring and prescriber system doi:10.1007/978-981-16-9873-6_9
- Chaturvedi, R. N., Thepade, S. D., & Ahirrao, S. N. (2022). Modified deterministic approach for size invariant visual secret sharing with improved quality of recovered secret. Journal of Applied Security Research, doi:10.1080/19361610.2022.2080470
- Chaudhari, A. Y., & Mulay, P. (2022). Cloud4NFICA-nearness factor-based incremental clustering algorithm using microsoft azure for the analysis of intelligent meter data. Research anthology on smart grid and microgrid development doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-3666-0.ch020
- Chaudhari, A. Y., & Mulay, P. (2022). Unleashing analytics to reduce electricity consumption using incremental clustering algorithm. International Journal of Energy Sector Managementdoi:10.1108/IJESM-11-2019-0016
- Chaudhari, D., Pawar, A. V., & Cedeño, A. B. (2022). H-prop and H-prop-news: Computational propaganda datasets in hindi. Data, doi:10.3390/data7030029
- Chaudhari, N., Darvekar, S., Nasikkar, P., Kulkarni, A., & Tagad, C. (2022). Recent developments on green synthesised nanomaterials and their application in dye-sensitised solar cells. International Journal of Ambient Energy, doi:10.1080/01430750.2022.2063185
- Chetlapalli, V., Agrawal, H., Iyer, K. S. S., Gregory, M. A., Potdar, V., & Nejabati, R. (2022). Performance evaluation of IoT networks: A product density approach. Computer Communications, 186, 65-79, doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2022.01.010
- Choudhari, R., Ramesh, K., Tripathi, D., Vaidya, H., & Prasad, K. V. (2022). Heat transfer and electroosmosis driven MHD peristaltic pumping in a microchannel with multiple slips and fluid properties. Heat Transfer, doi:10.1002/htj.22602
- Dabir, V. V., Shinde, S. R., Khare, K. C., & Londhe, S. N. (2022). Feasibility of VOF-FEM coupling to study the wave impact on a sloping seawall. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,doi:10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I4P207
- Dalavi, A. M., Gomes, A., & Javed Husain, A. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of nature inspired optimization techniques. Computers and Industrial Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.cie.2022.108161
- Desai, A. S., Singh, A., Edis, Z., Bloukh, S. H., Shah, P., Pandey, B., . . . Bhagat, N. (2022). An in vitro and in vivo study of the efficacy and toxicity of plant-extract-derived silver nanoparticles. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, doi:10.3390/jfb13020054
- Deshmukh, S., & Mulay, P. (2022). Quantum clustering algorithm using the wheel of tomography. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, doi:10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I5P214
- Deshpande, N. M., Gite, S., Pradhan, B., Kotecha, K., & Alamri, A. (2022). Improved otsu and kapur approach for white blood cells segmentation based on LebTLBO optimization for the detection of leukemia. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, doi:10.3934/mbe.2022093
- Deshpande, N. M., Gite, S. S., & Aluvalu, R. (2022). Microscopic analysis of blood cells for disease detection: A review doi:10.1007/978-3-030-76732-7_6
- Deshpande, S., Walambe, R., Kotecha, K., & Jakovljević, M. M. (2022). Post-hoc explainable reinforcement learning using probabilistic graphical models doi:10.1007/978-3-030-95502-1_28
- Dinesh, A., Singh, A., Kshirsagar, U., Raj, A., Byale, S., & Shahane, P. (2022). Design of 32nm phase locked loop for 5G technology. Paper presented at the 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference, DELCON 2022, doi:10.1109/DELCON54057.2022.9752787
- Dixit, A. S., & Kumar, S. (2022). A fermi-dirac function-based antipodal vivaldi antenna for mmWave applications. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, doi:10.1007/s10762-022-00854-6
- Dixit, A. S., & Kumar, S. (2022). A low profile antipodal vivaldi antenna with improved front-to-back ratio and sidelobe levels for 5G applications. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering doi:10.1002/mmce.23277
- Faseehuddin, M., Herencsar, N., Shireen, S., Tangsrirat, W., & Md Ali, S. H. (2022). Voltage differencing buffered amplifier-based novel truly mixed-mode biquadratic universal filter with versatile Input/Output features. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), doi:10.3390/app12031229
- Gaikwad, S., & Tidke, S. (2022). Multi-spectral imaging for fruits and vegetables. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130287
- Gajbhiye, S., Warke, A., & Katta, R. (2022). Heat transfer and fluid flow analysis of non-newtonian fluid in a microchannel with electromagnetohydrodynamics and thermal radiation. Heat Transfer,doi:10.1002/htj.22366
- Gangarde, R., Shrivastava, D., Sharma, A., Tandon, T., Pawar, A., & Garg, R. (2022). Data anonymization to balance privacy and utility of online social media network data. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography,doi:10.1080/09720529.2021.2016225
- Gangurde, A., Mankar, P., Chaudhari, D., & Pawar, A. (2022). A systematic bibliometric analysis of hate speech detection on social media sites. Journal of Scientometric Research,doi:10.5530/jscires.11.1.10
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- Ghayvat, H., Pandya, S., Bhattacharya, P., Zuhair, M., Rashid, M., Hakak, S., & Dev, K. (2022). CP-BDHCA: Blockchain-based confidentiality-privacy preserving big data scheme for healthcare clouds and applications. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,doi:10.1109/JBHI.2021.3097237
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- Ghule, B., & Laad, M. (2022). A study of solubility parameters on dispersion, dissolution, and homogenization of reinforcement TiO2 and poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) in different solvents for the fabrication of TiO2/PMP composite film. Chemical Engineering Communications, doi:10.1080/00986445.2022.2059356
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- Deodikar, A. (2019). Soil contamination and mathematical modeling: State of art. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 2294-2298.
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Dixit A.S., Kumar S. | A Survey of Performance Enhancement Techniques of Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna | IEEE Access |
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Research Articles Published in 2016
- Adhikari, D., Kadam, S., & Tanushree. (2016). Performance analysis of an 8 × 8 STBC coded MIMO system for high rate data transfer. Paper presented at the Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2015, 610-614. doi:10.1109/INFOP.2015.7489456
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- Anant Chatorikar, K. (2016). New offshore approach to reduce impact of tsunami waves. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 97(3), 493-496. doi:10.1007/s40032-016-0225-1
- Bansod, G., Patil, A., Sutar, S., & Pisharoty, N. (2016). An ultra lightweight encryption design for security in pervasive computing. Paper presented at the Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud, IEEE BigDataSecurity 2016, 2nd IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, IEEE HPSC 2016 and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security, IEEE IDS 2016, 79-84. doi:10.1109/BigDataSecurity-HPSC-IDS.2016.29
- Bansod, G., Patil, A., Sutar, S., & Pisharoty, N. (2016). ANU: An ultra lightweight cipher design for security in IoT. Security and Communication Networks, 9(18), 5238-5251. doi:10.1002/sec.1692
- Bansod, G., Pisharoty, N., & Patil, A. (2016). PICO: An ultra lightweight and low power encryption design for ubiquitous computing. Defence Science Journal, 66(3), 259-265. doi:10.14429/dsj.66.9276
- Bapat, S. A., & Jaspal, D. K. (2016). Parthenium hysterophorus: Novel adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals and dyes. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2(2), 135-144. doi:10.7508/gjesm.2016.02.004
- Barabde, K., & Gite, S. (2016). Energy efficient data transmission clustering algorithm in WSN. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(6), 4363-4368.
- Bhame, S. D., & Prasad, R. (2016). Solution combustion synthesis of single phase blue-white phosphor Sr2CeO4. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 9(5), 926-931.
- Bhatt, D., & Gite, S. (2016). Novel driver behavior model analysis using hidden markov model to increase road safety in smart cities. Paper presented at the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, , 04-05-March-2016 doi:10.1145/2905055.2905185
- Borade, K., & Kadlag, S. (2016). The design of 100 Gb/s QAM modulated CO-OFDM system based on dual polarization. Paper presented at the International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2016, 2105-2108. doi:10.1109/ICCSP.2016.7754550
- Chaphalkar, N. B., & Sandbhor, S. (2016). Sample sufficiency for principle component analysis in real property valuation. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2016 SAI Computing Conference, SAI 2016, 507-512. doi:10.1109/SAI.2016.7556028
- Chaple, L., & Ahirrao, S. (2016). Scalable transactions using MongoDB cloud data store. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 89(1), 172-182.
- Chaudhari, K., & Tijare, M. (2016). Prevention of CSRF attack using STG pattern and JSED. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(7), 4934-4938.
- Dalavi, A. M., Pawar, P. J., & Singh, T. P. (2016). Optimal sequence of hole-making operations using particle swarm optimisation and shuffled frog leaping algorithm. Engineering Review, 36(2), 187-196.
- Dalavi, A. M., Pawar, P. J., & Singh, T. P. (2016). Tool path planning of hole-making operations in ejector plate of injection mould using modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 3(3), 266-273. doi:10.1016/j.jcde.2016.04.001
- Dalavi, A. M., Pawar, P. J., Singh, T. P., Warke, A. S., & Paliwal, P. D. (2016). Review on optimization of hole-making operations for injection mould using non-traditional algorithms. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 7(1), 9-14.
- Dhabale, R., & Jatti, V. S. (2016). A bio-material: Mechanical behaviour of LDPE-Al2O3-TiO2. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 149(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012043
- Gaikwad, G., Patil, S., Patil, R., & Karmarkar, N. (2016). Surfacing point cloud data from multiple acquisitions. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 87(2), 336-343.
- Gaikwad, S. M., Joshi, R., & Gaikwad, S. M. (2016). Modified analytical hierarchy process to recommend an ice cream to a diabetic patient. Paper presented at the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, , 04-05-March-2016 doi:10.1145/2905055.2905198
- Gaikwad, S. M., Joshi, R. R., & Kulkarni, A. J. (2016). Cohort intelligence and genetic algorithm along with AHP to recommend an ice cream to a diabetic patient doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48959-9_4
- Gaikwad, S. M., Joshi, R. R., & Mulay, P. (2016). System dynamics modeling for analyzing recovery rate of diabetic patients by mapping sugar content in ice cream and sugar intake for the day doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2517-1_71
- Gangarde, R., Pawar, A., & Dani, A. (2016). Survey of in-memory big data analytics and latest research opportunities. Paper presented at the 2016 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing, PDGC 2016, 197-201. doi:10.1109/PDGC.2016.7913144
- Ghogare, S., Mahajan, C., & Mulay, P. (2016). Automation related to professor evaluation. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology, iCATccT 2015, 579-582. doi:10.1109/ICATCCT.2015.7456951
- Ghogare, S., Pawar, A., & Dani, A. (2016). Revamping optimal cloud storage system doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2529-4_48
- Ghule, S. S., Garde, C. S., Ramakrishnan, S., Singh, S., Rajarajan, A. K., & Laad, M. (2016). Synthesis, physical properties and band structure of non-magnetic Y3AlC. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 498, 98-103. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2016.06.027
- Ghumatkar, A., Budhe, S., Sekhar, R., Banea, M. D., & De Barros, S. (2016). Influence of adherend surface roughness on the adhesive bond strength. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 13(13), 2356-2370. doi:10.1590/1679-78253066
- Gite, S., & Agrawal, H. (2016). On context awareness for multisensor data fusion in IoT doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2526-3_10
- Guha, S., & Sarmah, D. K. (2016). Dynamic approach of frequency based image steganography. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(11), 7478-7482.
- Guha, S., & Sarmah, D. K. (2016). Increase of capacity and quality of frequency based image steganography using particle swarm optimization. Paper presented at the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, , 04-05-March-2016 doi:10.1145/2905055.2905059
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- Iyer, R. B., Dhabale, R. B., & Jatti, V. S. (2016). Welding of Al6061and Al6082-cu composite by friction stir processing. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 149(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012003
- Joshi, A., Agrawal, H., & Agrawal, P. (2016). Simultaneous localization and mapping for visually impaired people for outdoor environment doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2526-3_12
- Kale, H. R., & Joshi, R. (2016). Energy efficient EAACK based on SHA1 for MANET. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(8), 6035-6038.
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