Students Club/Societies
ROTONITY (Robotics and Automation club of SIT)
Rotonity is the Robotics and Automation Club of SIT formed by Dr.Nitin Khedkar in 2019. This club was formed to foster a passion for robotics among its members and increase students’ exposure to new technologies in this field.
Club activities include:
- Active participation in competitions like ABU Robocon, E-yantra.
- Industry visits to robotics-related companies.
- Guest lectures from esteemed industry-professionals.
- Creating multidisciplinary projects that have significant societal impact.
One of the club's notable achievements lies in its multidisciplinary projects that serve the community. These projects include SCOBO, a SLAM-enabled medical bot designed for patient care; Agri-Hawk, an AI-enabled agriculture drone for precision farming; and Roadbot, an AI-enabled bot built for pothole filling. Through these projects, the club combines different fields of study to address real-world challenges and make a positive impact on society.

The club comprises of more than 20 members passionate about automation. Their dedication and enthusiasm for robotics drives the club's success in organizing various events, workshops, and projects. The club is led by:
- Aditya Rane (President)
- Pratham Talekar (Vice President)
- Parth Nikam (General Secretary)
- Vinay Patil (Student Advisor)
The Literary- Journalism & MUN Club
The Journalism Society and Model UN Club make up the pillars of the Literary Club and it is a haven for the future wordsmiths of our country, a place for debate, speech and writing. The Journalism Society is one of the youngest clubs under the umbrella of the Literary Society. However, it boasts a team of passionate students who write and design the monthly newsletter for SIT: Between the Lines. The newsletter reports on current affairs and university events, serving as a trusted news source for students and faculty of SIT. The club also takes on the mammoth task of publishing the annual magazine ‘Vibrations’. Students showcase creative non-fiction, expertly crafted essays, lyrical poetry and more. Model UN is a rich learning environment that teaches people more about major world events and diplomatic relations. The MUN club prides itself on combining current affairs and creativity to prove a memorable experience to its members and participants. Like the TED club, the focus is on self-improvement, and they conduct many mock MUNs to give people an opportunity to gain confidence in their oratory ability. The Literary Society of Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune is a collective environment for sharing innovative ideas. With a student-led community focussed on propagating and expanding the scope of literary activities within and outside the institute, whether it be in the form of interactive seminars with experts, activities, TED talks, newsletters, magazines and much more, the Literary Society is a shining symbol of industriousness combined with ingenuity. The main objective of the Literary Society is to create an environment where all students are encouraged to pursue activities such as elocution, public speaking, debating, creative writing, journalism, and productive discussion. Such activities are instrumental in instilling a sense of self-belief among the students, making them ever more confident to face any challenges that may come their way. In line with the motto of Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्, which means “The whole world is a family”, the Literary Society also believes in the core principles of inclusivity and unity.
- Photojournalism
- Between The Lines- SIT Newsletter
- UTP Malaysia, UMN Indonesia & SIT India Seminar: Journalismin GenZ
- The Peace Building project- Gender Sensitization
Literary Club
Keeping in view the all-round development of students, various clubs like music and dance club, photography club, fine arts society, innovation and creativity cell, green cell etc. have been started. The students of SIT actively organize and participate in various activities of these clubs and societies. Mechanical Engineering Students Association (MESA) is very active in promoting technical and literary skills of the students. The club V@rSITy-care of SIT is committed to spreading social awareness and community service amongst the students. The literary society at SIT was developed in order to make students more familiar and buff up their skills in literature, oratory, debates and writing.
Students, with due guidance from faculties, manage various Students’ Departmental Societies like Civil Engineering Society of Symbiosis (CESS), Mechanical Engineering Students Association(MESA), Google Club (Computer Science and Information Technology- Departmental Technical Society) and IEEE Student Chapter (Electronics and Telecommunication Department). A multitude of activities/events are organized under these Students’ Departmental Societies.
TED Club
The TED club nurtures self-improvement, creativity, group discussion and
public speaking. The
students organise not only memorable events but also develop vital interpersonal skills.
Special attention is paid to improving communication skills and applying creative and critical
thinking strategies to develop ideas worth talking about, as is the TED motto.
All events are centred around learning beyond the book and expanding the mental horizons of the
participants. Every Thursday in the last hour there is a student
TED talk session and every Friday in the last hour there is a TED talk session for the faculty and
staff at SIT; where faculty and students assemble to watch a TED talk and then discuss about it. In
some sessions faculty and students also get an opportunity to deliver a talk on a topic of their
expertise or interest.
It is a wonderful platform for all to come together and express as well as share their thoughts and
On 27th November 2021, TED Club successfully organised an international TEDx Countdown event named
TEDxSIULavale, to raise awareness about the significance of sustainable environment and the
increasing impact of climate change on our lives and how we can work together to help curb it.
The activities undertaken by the club so far are:
- The Future of Employment Post COVID-19
- The Writers Among Us
- Develop Your Own Personal Brand
- Revisiting Reverb
- Digital Safety and Rising Private Concerns
- Content Creators of SIT
- Pursuing Your Passion as A Career
- Sketching Diwali Competition and Gaming Competition
- Blockchain and Web 3.0
About the Club:
Founded by the United Nations in 2010, Girl Up is a global movement of empowered young leaders who defend gender equality. Girl Up works globally to empower girls in terms of Leadership, Entrepreneurship & STEM and position them as leaders across industries where women are underrepresented. With the same goals in mind, a mission to create a positive change in our college and beyond and with a focus on women in STEM, we started a Girl Up Chapter in our college in April, 2021 by the name of ‘Girl Up SIT Pune’. Through Girl Up, we aim to provide a platform to girls and women to put forth their opinions and aspirations fearlessly and sensitize the youth towards Gender Equality.
Activities Conducted and Initiatives taken by Girl Up SIT in 2021-22
We kickstarted our journey to make a difference with an event, which pushed our peers to contemplate issues like gender bias and underrepresentation of women in STEM and what can be done to improve the current scenario.
Several ideas were discussed, and the event saw a good turnout of enthusiastic people.
Although every solution presented was empowering and ambitious, there were two that stood out. Tania Muley and Swastika Gupta suggested the two winning ideas.

For our next initiative, we brainstormed and came up with a campaign #SheBelongsinSTEM in the month of May. Our main goal was to encourage the participation of women in the field of STEM and create awareness & bring a change in mental bigotry and conception.

Talk With Experts:
We interviewed two of our own faculty members - Dr. Neeru Bhagat and Dr. Rupali Nagar - about their experiences in STEM.
We also interviewed Mrs. Jishy Samuel, scientist/engineer at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (ISRO).

Breaking Stereotypes:
This activity aimed to create a platform for girls to share their experiences and boost their confidence. We also intended to disseminate the difference between funny and sexist statements. We also celebrated Pride month with our members showing their support towards the LGBTQ+ Community.

#SDG5 - Gender Equality:
To honour Women's Equality Day, we posted several posts discussing topics like Gender Pay Disparity, The Untold History of Indian Women in STEM, and Women entrepreneurs in STEM.

Reducing Gender Gap in Sports:
For National Sports Day, we commemorated the Female Indian Olympic Winners. We also spoke to our female sports champions at SIT Pune and created a reel on the same, sharing their experiences and victories with the world.

Teacher’s Day:
For teachers' day, we collaborated with the Brushes to Pixels Club and sent each of our faculty members personalized cards. We also shared a poem and reel to celebrate our teachers.

Reel Making Competition:
We held a reel-making competition encouraging our fellow students at SIT Pune to show their Passion for Gender Equality in STEM. We received several creative entries, but there was one reel that stood out- Suruchi Kumar.

Introducing our club to Batch of 2025:
Welcoming the new batch with enthusiasm and fervor, Girl Up not only invited all the new students to join its diverse community, but also conducted a recruitment drive for the Core Team.

Furthermore, we conducted some fun activities for the new batch, which were highly appreciated and enjoyed by all of them.

Women’s Health Series:
Through a series of posts, we aimed to spread awareness about the bias that women face in medical treatment, the most common types of cancers that affect women and what can be done to help identify and treat them at an early stage

Scholarship Series:
At Girl Up, we believe every individual deserves equal access to opportunities. So, we curated a list of scholarships for women in STEM that can help them move towards a brighter future.

Symbiosis Music Society, or SMS as it’s popularly known around the campus, is a platform where people from different walks of life come together for their love for music, as well as to learn, explore and appreciate the beautiful journey of being a performer and musician. Our main aim is to transform the musical environment at SIT, and to develop a musical space within the campus. We genuinely believe in supporting and encouraging the upcoming artists on campus.
The club was formed as a result of the enthusiasm of our original Board members, who had the simple objective of creating a safe space for music on campus. More students joined, eventually forming the official independent band of SIT, KalaJowsh.
SMS has been involved in a host of activities, events and competitions in the campus as well as outside, with regular performances in Aarambh, Reverb, Prota, Induction week, Pre-Techfest, Crescendo, Farewell, and many others. Additionally, we are always involved whenever there is anything music-related occurring on campus.

Faculty Incharge: Dr. Sayali Sandbhor
About: We at TTC focus on the holistic development of our members by participating in several competitions at various levels such as national and international level and also undertake various research projects to enhance our knowledge in the core domain of civil engineering. Apart from this, we also engage in various interesting webinars and workshops to gain knowledge of latest trends and concepts. TTC offers a platform for like minded students to work on hands on projects, publish research in conferences and journals. It provides the necessary support to the students as a community of both smart and hard working individuals that wish to work out of the box!

The Photography Club, or TPC as it’s known around SIT, was formed with an aim of improving the photographs that students click everyday, whether that be Pune rains, the beautiful architecture of the Lavale campus, or the clear blue skies. Through this club, students get to learn the various aspects involved in photography with the help of technical sessions, Photowalks, webinars by experienced and famous photographers, and many other avenues. TPC presents budding photographers with opportunities to cover the various events happening in and around campus, thus improving their craft. These events could be the various competitions, festivals, Prota, Techfest, Induction week or even Reverb! Our objective is to tell stories with our pictures, containing aspects of flora, fauna, landscapes along with human life interwoven with various aspects. In addition to all these avenues, TPC also introduces students to some nuanced photography techniques, such as Light trails, Long Exposure Photography, Steel Wool Photography, Forced Perspective, Astrophotography, Wildlife photography, and many more. We keep organizing a host of photography-themed exhibitions and contests, broadcasting the work done by the TPC members.
We are actively involved on Instagram, with our design, management, content and Public Relation(PR) teams managing an account with 1000+ followers. So if you’re interested in design, writing content, or in managing PR, TPC is the place for you!
Join us if you’re interested in making your photographs better, making viral content for Instagram, and for exploring new horizons!
Email Address:
Soul to Sole Club

Soul to Sole is the official dance club of SIT wherein students get to perform together on many formal and informal occasions like Reverb, Farewell, Techfest etc. to name a few. They mentor students during the first year induction event. The group goes out of SIT to compete with other trooper groups. The group represents SIT for dance at SIU level performances like Aarambh and other inter-university competitions as well. Prof. Vaishnavi Dabir mentors the group for their performances.

Developer Students Clubs:-
Developer Student Clubs help students bridge the gap between theory and
These university-based communities cater to students interested in Google developer technologies.
Students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment while building solutions for
local businesses. Developer Student Clubs is a community where everyone is welcome.
Developer Student Clubs is a program supported by Google Developers.
The recent events of Developer Student Clubs, Symbiosis Institute of Technology (DSC SIT) chapter include:
- #GCPCrashCourse to empower students with skills on Google Cloud Platform
- Explore Machine Learning (ExploreML) to give students a jumpstart into Machine Learning with hands-on Codelabs and supplementary concepts
- Mentoring students for Hashcode 2020 to solve engineering problems
DSC SIT also conducts continuous student engagement via:
- IntraClubs (in odd semesters) to get students started on a Technology track of their preference
- Project Groups Program (in even semesters) to reinforce skills learned previously, by developing solutions to empower communities with Technology
- Competitive Programming, workshops (Android, Game Development, Git, etc.), live stream events/guest sessions and Tech talks throughout the semester.
To Visit Website:-Click Here
EPIC:- The Entrepreneurship Promotion and Innovation Cell [EPIC] is an active student body at Symbiosis Institute of Technology, formed with the intention of promoting entrepreneurial spirit and culture for innovation among the students. It conducts various events to expose the students to the world of entrepreneurship and to inculcate in them the spirit for innovation and creativity. EPCI aims at creating an environment in the campus wherein the students prefer to think beyond the routine campus jobs and enthusiastically come forward to embrace the journey of entrepreneurship. It also aspires to motivate students to believe in themselves and their creative instincts. EPIC intends to support the students to come up with innovative and creative solutions for the problems faced by society / industry.
Student Experience:-
Being a part of the ecell of the college was not just an opportunity but a path finder.The activities we conducted,the networking sessions we had,the ideas we churned out through innumerous brainstorming session has not only led to recognition of the ecell and the college at a national level but self improvement and realization.EPIC made me do a SWOT analysis of myself to sum it up.
The journey ever since I joined the club was extremely excruciating at the
start but rewarding in
the end.In the journey as it should be,all the three my- college,my ecell and me have been
distinguished separately and collectively,various times. I say “Multiple opportunities lie in front
of you, but to be an opportunist or not is a choice you make! "
-Bishal Gupta (SYCS)